Family Update

30 degrees with a chance of flurries ~ yep I’m in Iowa

After an all-day drive, I just wanted to give everyone who has been reading a quick update on my dad. He came home yesterday, having had no post-op troubles this time around. He spent most of today sleeping but was up and about by the time I got to the house this evening. Thanks to everyone who sent good thoughts. 14 days until they activate the hardware and begin the therapy. Exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.

Also, so many thanks to those who have offered wisdom about the book, both here and in emails. You all are wonderful, amazing poet-friends. I’m lucky to have you on my side!!!! (Yes, that is the overuse of the exclamation point. What can I say? I’m exhausted!)

Posted by Sandy Longhorn


Thank you for this update. So glad to know things are looking good. Will keep rippling the good wishes into the universe for you….

Ah, verification word is "garoping" so the good wishes are clearly garoping into the universe for you all.


So glad your dad's doing okay — best of luck to him with that new therapy; such a brave new world! xo

Sandy Longhorn

Thank you, Kathleen and Maire. We appreciate all the good thoughts, garoping into the brave new world of medical therapies. 🙂

So glad to hear it, Sandy! Thinking of you.

Sandy Longhorn

Thanks, Sara!

Jessica Goodfellow

Hi Sandy,

I've awarded your blog a Liebster Blog Award. There is no need to participate in all the hoopla that goes with it (the linking back, etc.) unless you want to, but I did want to take the opportunity to thank you for all your great content this year.

Jessica Goodfellow

Sandy Longhorn

Wow! Thanks, Jessica. What an honor. I really appreciate the recognition!

Tawnysha Greene

Glad your dad is doing well! Here's hoping for continued good news!

Sandy Longhorn

Thanks, Tawnysha. I appreciate the support!

Quintilian B. Nasty

I'm glad to hear he's doing ok.

Sandy Longhorn

Thanks, Q.!