Getting in the Groove

21º and sunny for now, snow expected later today

That’s right folks, the powers that be are calling for an inch of snow overnight…what do you bet the powers that be in the school district do NOT cancel school for that… not after the embarrassment that was our Monday snow day.

I’m still struggling to shift gears from vacation-mode to school-mode and classes don’t start until next week. However, today, I do feel more into my poetry space than I’ve felt in a few weeks. So, I’m hoping I’ll get some word work done this morning before going into the office to work on my online World Lit class.

Here are three links that hit the spot this morning.

1. Kelli Russell Agodon’s blog features a post about things a writer should be doing BEFORE a book is accepted. I found this to be true when I was working with Anhinga on Blood Almanac, but it was great to be reminded as I’m sending book #2 out into the world. I still haven’t gotten the website started, but I know it will be a priority soon.

2. Saaed Jones over at for southern boys who consider poetry (one of my favorite blog titles!) has a post about his writer’s notebook that dovetails nicely with the great discussion you all provided on Monday’s post (thanks so much for joining me in conversation!).

3. Susan Rich, blogging at The Alchemist’s Kitchen, is doing a series of posts on ekphrastic poetry. She provides some great insights into the poet writing about other art forms.

One last thing…I’m open to any blog topics you all are curious about. Leave a post with a question or topic if there’s something I haven’t touched on (relating to poetry/writing, please) and I’ll be glad to put it in my blog topics file for later thought and posting.

Oh, and send snowy thoughts to the school administrators and maybe we’ll all get another vacation day tomorrow!!

Posted by Sandy Longhorn