Two Gems from Mary Biddinger

40ยบ and a pause in the rain, still no sun of which to speak

Double post Friday! I couldn’t resist linking to these two gems from Mary Biddinger:

First, How a Poem Happens features Biddinger’s poem “Shipwreck” and an interview on the life of the poem.

Second, ReadWritePoem’s prompt this week is from Biddinger: the therapeutic cleanse. I plan on doing this one tomorrow!

Posted by Sandy Longhorn


Nancy Devine

How A Poem Happens is one of my favorite sites to read. I discovered not too long ago…always interesting.

Sandy Longhorn

Me too, Nancy!


Thanks so much for linking, Sandy! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sandy Longhorn

And thanks back at you, Mary, for your work. It was encouraging to hear that someone else often sends work out quickly rather than letting it rest for months and months. For me, each poem is a little bit different that way. I also consider much of the composing of the poem a revisionary process. In any case, thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚