And So It Goes

Besides reading today, I’ve written not one, but two new drafts. The past week or so has been a little shaky…more questions than answers…not a lot of writing…one whole evening of horrible reality TV…beginning to feel like a true, huge crisis of faith in my being as a poet. My poor husband had to witness the meltdown.

I had dreamed of a summer of nothing but writing. I had created an impossible scenario. I had forgotten that I also had a life that required living in the meantime. I had not given myself enough time to recharge; I had not given myself enough slack in the line and it snapped.

I go in lurches and fits. So be it.

Posted by Sandy Longhorn

What I’m Reading: Cloisters

Winner of the Tupelo Press First Book Award and published in 2008, Kristin Bock’s Cloisters is a new favorite. I have written lately of being a bit lost and unsure in both my writing and my reading. I’ve gone through several other books on my “to read” shelf this week and haven’t been drawn to any of them…until Bock’s book found its way to the top of the stack. I’ve just finished my second reading of it today.

It’s another small book, in the sense that it measures 5 1/2″ x 6″. I don’t know why I’m fascinated by these outside the norm productions, but I am. In this case, the size of the pages reflects Bock’s tendency to write short lyrics, as I do, which perhaps explains my affinity. Of the book’s 38 poems, only 7 run on multiple pages. I like that the short poems don’t get swallowed up in the white spaces. This is a well-balanced book in every sense.

Bock’s writing is focused, tight, laser-like. Her images serve the larger purpose of their poems and yet each one begs to be held for a moment on its own. She writes of love and loss and simply being human in a world of nature and emotion. The book is divided into five sections, named for five months: October, December, February, April, and August.

The first poem of the book, “On Reflection,” begins:
“Far from the din of the articulated world,
I wanted to be content in an empty room–
a barn on the hillside like a bone…”

A line from “Phrenology” that sticks:
“I lay my head like a hive in your hands.”

From “Return”
“Reverse the plough! Pluck me from this orchard of
bones–from the hummingbird flying backwards

to kiss an orchid. …”

Posted by Sandy Longhorn
Baseball and Poetry

Baseball and Poetry

Spent a fun weekend with friends in Illinois and took in a Cubs game. Thanks to Sean Chapman for taking my new author photo at Wrigley Field.

In the mail today, the latest issue of Meridian, one of my favorite journals. I’ve been busy catching up with things today, but tomorrow I plan to read it cover to cover, including an interview with Jane Mead, one of my favorite poets writing today.

Also in the mail…two rejections, but I’ve had such a good string of luck this year that I hardly feel them.

Posted by Sandy Longhorn

More News of the Good

Several weeks ago, Samuel Wharton, the editor of Sawbuck, emailed me to ask if I had any poems I’d be interested in submitting. That was the first time someone completely unconnected to me sought out my work. Another milestone for me.

Yesterday, Samuel emailed to accept two poems for publication in the Winter 09/10 issue. Many, many thanks for the support!

I hope you all will check out this great online journal.

Posted by Sandy Longhorn
Good News and Some Progress

Good News and Some Progress

I received an acceptance email yesterday from Matt Baker, an associate editor at Blackbird. They’ve taken one poem for the Fall 2009 issue. This will be my second appearance with them, which is a real treat. Thanks to all the fine people who make Blackbird what it is.

On another note, I spent this morning trying to rebuild Glacial Elegies, after stripping it down yesterday to a spare 37 poems. (In case you haven’t noticed, I write short lyrics, so all of my poems are one pagers.) A few of those removed yesterday made it back in today, but I have definitely axed some older poems that now seem not to fit as well and I added some newer poems that I think more directly apply to the arc of the book. It’s such a complex process that I have a hard time getting my mind around the thing as a whole. I’m just squeaking in around the 50 page mark, but I feel the book is stronger for the revisions. The photo shows the whole manuscript laid out on our eight-foot table. Thanks to the wonderful husband who lugs the table out when I need it.

Posted by Sandy Longhorn

If You Know What’s Good For You

Read Katrina Vandenberg’s poem “Courage and Horror Stand Side by Side” up this week at Linebreak. You can even listen to Steve Mueske read it as well. There’s a line in there that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.

Thanks for the great poem, Katrina and Linebreak.

Posted by Sandy Longhorn


Posted by Sandy Longhorn

You Learn Something New Everyday

Cruising around on the internet, I stumbled across a reference to “guillemets” in reference to punctuation. Having never read or heard the word before, I looked it up. Ta da:

From Meriam-Webster online: either of the marks « or » used as quotation marks in French writing.


In the mail today, an art book: Grant Wood: An American Master Revealed. A friend recently sent me a postcard with a Wood image and it reminded me that I’ve long wanted to learn more about this iconic Iowan. PS: I love being able to buy used books over the internet!

Posted by Sandy Longhorn

Kind Rejection

Yesterday, I received the kindest rejection. The rejection came with a back issue of the journal and an encouraging note to send again. Thanks to Renee Soto and the other editors of Roger. I will definitely keep you all in mind for the next go-round.

Posted by Sandy Longhorn