Happy Friday! I came home to find, stuffed precariously in my mailbox, my contributor’s copy of the new Quarterly West, featuring my poem “Of Mortal Men and Women.”
This is one of those milestones for me. I have always admired this magazine, and when I look at my file folder, I see that I’ve been submitting once or twice a year since May of 2002! I am awed to be published alongside Gregory Orr, Donald Revell, Brenda Shaughnessy, and others, including my fellow Anhingan, Joshua Poteat. If you haven’t checked out his work, I highly recommend it. I haven’t fully read the issue, but from my first skimming, it seems to be stellar. A shout out to Stacy Kidd, who was at Fayetteville with me and is now a co-Poetry Editor at QW, as well as being a stupendous poet herself.
The issue is beautiful and smells of fresh ink on good paper.
That is terrific Sandy!
Congratulations! It is great to hear that persistence and talent pays off.
Thanks for sharing your good news!
Megan and Matt,
Thanks for the support. It’s always welcome.