Last night I received another “good news” email, this time from Copper Nickel. Jake Adam York and Anisetta Valdez, poetry editors, wrote to accept all four of the poems I had submitted. Previous readers will know that I greatly admire this journal and the people who work on it, so it was truly humbling to find out that they had taken the entire submission.
By some wonderful twist of fate, my last three acceptances have been for entire submission packets (or what was left after withdrawing a poem). Typically, I have placed one poem at a time, and when someone has taken two, I’ve been through the roof. Two years ago, Crab Orchard took three and I nearly floated away from delight. Now, after a particularly rough spring, filled with doubting, to receive this bounty of confidence boosting news is such a gift. Many thanks to all the tireless editors and readers at all the journals out there who provide that vital link between writer and audience.