95 deg ~ bright sun but possibly a wee chance of rain as a slow, slow, slow cold front moves in and lowers our temps by the weekend
Hello from the wild and wacky world of a poet who suddenly has an abundance of poetry-related projects to juggle. I confess, I haven’t even had time to think about writing a new draft in the last month, but I’m okay with that for now. Eventually, the poems will arrive, no matter how busy I am, and push their way through. Or, eventually, things will calm down and I’ll be able to make time for writing again.
Until then, please remember that you can find all of my process notes in the archives if you are looking for ideas on how to spark something on the page.
Today, you can read a glimpse into my writing process on Laura E. Davis’ blog, Dear Outer Space. Laura is a fabulous poet and the editor of Weave. Interested in how other writers approach the writing process, Laura sent out a call for anyone interested in answering her interview questions. Let me say, these were some of the best interview questions ever.
Next week, the Big Rock Reading Series kicks off for the 2013 – 2014 season at Pulaski Tech. Garry Craig Powell, author of Stoning the Devil, will read, take questions, and sign copies on Tuesday, September 17!
I’ve also been working with Richard Krawiec at Jacar Press getting The Girlhood Book of Prairie Myths in the works. It’s amazing how quickly Richard and folks managed to bring everything together, and I can’t wait to hold the book in my hands. Watch out for more news on this soon.
As mentioned here earlier, I launched the Central Arkansas Broadside Project this month. I’m happy to say that through a shared effort, we are spreading the broadsides all over the region. You can read all about it on the project’s dedicated blog, and you can see some pictures of where we’ve posted the first broadside. Many thanks to my fellow poets in the area (and their students who are helping us distribute).
And, don’t forget, Heron Tree is open for submissions, right now. We are reading the first few submissions, and I look forward to reading many, many more over the next few months. We accept submissions through December 1 for anyone interested, with the guidelines here. In other exciting Heron Tree news, the first print volume is now available as well.
In the meantime, there is also and always teaching, which comes first, first, and first during the semester.
Nice interview, and helpful, too. I frequently use your wordbank technique.
Congratulations on all the good poetry projects you've got going.
Thanks, Drew!
Lovely that you are both busy and amazingly calm about it!
Oh, Kathleen, the calmness is all a facade. Mostly, my little birdheart is beating, beating, beating frantically up against my ribcage. (I'm trying to practice breathing exercises…we'll see how that goes!)