71º ~ not too shabby for 9:30 a.m., bright sun, nice breeze
Frequent readers will know that Angie Macri is my friend and a colleague of mine at PTC. Also, as Angie asked me to blurb her book, you can assume I’m predisposed to encourage you all to order a copy of Fear Nothing of the Future or the Past from Finishing Line Press.
My blurb:
Archaeology and elegy combine in Angie Macri’s poems to create a new mythos for the southern delta. With inspiration from the poems of H.D. and the paintings of Carroll Cloar, Macri weaves a spell of bone and pottery shards, of burial mounds and ancestry, of birth and death. Her song calls and the reader learns to echo, “Sweet home, love me, just a little while.”
To extend those thoughts, what Angie does in this book is to weave three strands of inspiration together: H.D.’s Helen in Egypt, information from two scholarly articles on the burial mounds near Helena, AR, and ekphrastic poems based on a group of Carroll Cloar paintings. This sounds like a lot of research-heavy poems, but this is Angie’s magic, taking that research, that inspiration, and creating an entirely new music from it.
For example, here’s a bit from one of my favorites, “Interred.”
The shells circled some bones as jewels,
some laced with the teeth of wolves,
beads pierced and placed at the ankles
with red ocher, red sky at sunrise, jewel,
like fire, like clay, mound on the west
side of the river.
While this poem is listed in the notes of the book as containing a quote from H.D., it also, clearly, uses images from the burial mounds of the delta, and contains the focus on color and shape of a Cloar painting. Throughout the book each poem rises to this level, taking most of my breath away. The precision of description is stunning.
Fear Nothing of the Future or the Past is a book of place and a book of how a history is made, forgotten, and remade. As such, you will find no confessional, contemporary-situation poems here; however, Angie’s skill is to make these poems of distance ring with intimacy and confession just the same. She gives voice to stories forgotten, overlooked, or deemed too unimportant to be recorded.
Through these poems, we are reminded that we are all connected to both the future and the past.