What I’m Reading: Poetry December 08

As it slowly dawns on both body and brain that I am gloriously without official work for some small space of time, a sense of mania towards reading through stacks of books and journals rushes in. This morning, the latest issue of Poetry.

I know this journal does not need little old me to help spread its readership, but this month, I’ve found two poems in particular that resonate: Nicky Beer’s “Prairie Octopus, Awake” and Michael Rutherglen’s “Lives of the Watchmakers.” The following line drew me to Beer’s poem: “Owls swallow vowels in stilled trees.” ~Such luscious sounds that melt on the tongue. And for Rutherglen, aside from the eternal subject matter of time and mortality, I admire his use of rhyme without seeming heavy-handed. Poetry is now publishing the majority of each issue online, so please check out the links for the entire poems.

Posted by Sandy Longhorn