A Bit of Shameless Self Promotion: Adopt Blood Almanac and Get the Author for Free

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If shameless self promotion bothers you, Dear Reader, stop now.

This is the time of year when instructors, professors, and teachers of all stripes begin to plan what books they might teach for the next academic year.  Given the timing, I have an offer for anyone out there in such a position.

If you adopt Blood Almanac for a class, I will gladly travel to your school, college, university, etc., for free if I can drive and you can provide a couch.  If the distance means a flight and I can’t afford it, I will gladly Skype with the class, exchange email questions and answers, do a conference call, or in some other way use technology to interact with your students.

One year ago, I was lucky enough to make this deal with Stephanie Kartalopoulos at the U of Missouri, and last fall I had a great time talking with her students.  Details are here.

Should you be interested, please email me and I’ll put an exam copy in the mail, if you don’t already own a copy of the book.


Oh, and I have another interview up online, along with three poems this time.  Check out Emprise Review 18.  This is a wonderful online journal published out of Fayetteville, AR.  If you like it, let them know!


Here ends the SSP for the time being.

Ten days and counting to OPENING DAY!!  Woo Hoo!

Posted by Sandy Longhorn



If you are ever up this way you MUST let me know! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sandy Longhorn

Will do, Mary!


While I cannot take you up on your proposition, I just want to say I recently stumbled onto your blog via the blog "Unvaulted." I look forward to reading more of it and your book.
And in the small world department, I graduated from St. Ben's in theater and humanities in' 74.
Best of luck to you!

Sandy Longhorn

Hi, Ex. It's always nice to meet a fellow Bennie! I'll be checking out your blog as well.

Quintilian B. Nasty

Hey, that's some of the best shameless self-promotion I've ever seen.

Sandy Longhorn

Thanks, Q. If you've got any ideas for your area, shoot me an email. I'd love to see the garden up close and personal. ๐Ÿ™‚

I love the idea of the long-distance interaction. Great ideas!

Sandy Longhorn

Thanks, Kristin. If you know anyone in south FL who might be interested, please send them my way.