Wednesday Comes Early This Week

46º and cloud cover

Tomorrow, I have one of those rare conflicts with my writing schedule. As frequent readers know, I have reorganized my life to make writing a priority, which involves dedicating 3 hours each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings to thinking, reading, and writing. Now that I’ve made and kept that schedule, I don’t like to have it disrupted. Alas, there are some things that are out of our control.

In any case, I wanted to post this now because it includes such good news. Friend, editor, and poet, Justin Evans, has just announced the acceptance of his first book! Stop by his blog, One Man’s Trash, and help join in the celebration. If you haven’t read his online journal, Hobble Creek Review, what are you waiting for?

Also, new poet-blogger friend, January O’Neil has a great column up over a ReadWritePoem on making sure your poetry finds an audience. Definitely worth the read.

I’ll be back in full swing on Friday.

Posted by Sandy Longhorn


Justin Evans

Thank you for the shout out.

Sandy Longhorn

Thrilled to do the shouting!